NIA projects

What is the NIA?

The Gas Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) is a dual-purpose set allowance that each UK gas distribution network (GDN) receives. The first purpose is to fund smaller technical, commercial, or operational projects directly related to the licensee's network, that have potential to deliver financial benefits to the licensee and its customers. The second is to fund preparation of submissions to the Network Innovation Competition (NIC).

We continually seek to collaborate and share knowledge and learning with the wider utilities  industry to help us achieve our common goals. This year we were proud to become the first GDN to complete and implement an NIA project, Osprey Pressure Validator, from which the learning was shared and the technology adopted by the other GDNs.


In 2017/18, our project portfolio included over 40 projects funded through the NIA funding mechanism, along with two NIC projects that seek to develop value adding solutions across key business areas. We were also delighted to be awarded two further NIC projects this year, £7.3m for Robotic Roadworks Excavation System (RRES) and £9m for H21.

NIA documents

Detailed information about all of our NIA projects can be found on the ENA Smarter Networks portal.