A725 Kingsway, East Kilbride

We're carrying out essential upgrades to our gas network in the A725 Kingsway, East Kilbride. This work has been planned in close consultation with South Lanarkshire Council and AMEY and will ensure a continued safe and reliable gas supply to nearby homes and businesses.

Working to keep you safe and warm

What we're doing

Our engineering team is replacing 2.3km of old metallic mains with modern plastic pipe which has a lifespan of 80 years. So far we've replace 2km.

When and where are we working

Our project started in August 2023 and will be completed by 27 May 2024. We're replacing our gas main in the A725 Kingsway between Whitemoss Roundabout and the roundabout north of Whirlies Roundabout.

We plan to carry out most of our work on the verge, however we will sometimes need to work in the A725 Kingsway. This could lead to lane closures and possibly other restrictions. We'll give you notice of any restrictions we need to put in place here.


Lane closure at Whirlies Roundabout north exit

To complete this project, we need to replace a final 300 metre section in the Kingsway, starting at the northmost exit of the Whirlies Roundabout. This work begins on Monday 18 March and will last for approximately ten weeks.

For everyone’s safety the Kingsway will be down to one lane northbound, for motorists exiting Whirlies Roundabout onto the Kingsway. We know this is a busy junction, so will be working as quickly and safely as possible to complete our work.

We’d like to thank East Kilbride residents, businesses and motorists for your continued patience and support throughout this essential work.

If left undisturbed, the new plastic pipe has a minimum lifespan of 80 years. This means that once the work is complete, local residents and businesses will be able to enjoy a continued safe and reliable gas supply for many years to come.