Building financial literacy skills for 8,643 children in fuel poor areas
Our project at a glance
- Participating GDNs: Cadent, Northern Gas Networks, SGN and Wales & West Utilities
- Strategic priority area: Fuel poverty and energy affordability
- Support target: 2,781 young people per year
- Duration: March 2022 to August 2025
- Investment: £102,058 over three years
- Forecast SROI: £15.53
I liked fuel finance because I learned a lot about saving energy and protecting the earth. I also learnt that there are fuels that are bad for the earth and that there are other forms of energy apart from fossil fuels. I also found out about how the costs are rising.
Vihaan, aged 10
Whitchurch Primary School
Why we’re working together
Evidence shows that financial habits can be formed as young as seven years old, suggesting that work on habit formation and behaviours should begin as early as possible. Educating young people at primary school age on how to use energy efficiently could stay with them well into adulthood and independent living.
Financial education MyBnk has extensive experience in delivering successful financial education programmes to primary school children aged nine to 11. We’re partnering with MyBnk to expand its programme with a dedicated ‘fuel finance’ module focused on using energy safely and efficiently at home.
In collaboration with the other gas networks, we’re providing children in some of the most deprived areas in our communities with financial literacy skills and energy safeguarding skills that will benefit them for life.
Project objectives
- Equipping young children with lifelong financial literacy skills in areas with high rates of fuel poverty
- Educating children about the dangers of carbon monoxide and how to mitigate the risks
- Empowering young people to share information on how to maintain a safe and warm home with their families
How we’re working together
Primary Money Twist sessions
We’ve co-designed an additional 75-minute module for MyBnk’s flagship Primary Money Twist programme covering topics including how to use energy efficiently, the financial relationship to energy use and the environmental impacts of energy use.
We’re targeting our sessions at schools in areas where data on poverty impacting children is highest. By doing this we’re helping families in need today, as well as building children’s financial and energy resilience skills to help them avoid fuel poverty in future.
Family energy activity packs
We’re providing every young person who participates in a session with an energy activity pack to take home to their family. The interactive guides are designed to encourage multi-generational education around energy efficiency, safety and signposting.

How to get involved
Accessing the Primary Money Twist programme
To refer your school to the Primary Money Twist programme, please complete the referral form on the MyBnk website.
Through our partnership with SGN, MyBnk are helping to tackle the taboo of money. Together we look at the big topics of energy efficiency, affordability, and safety – helping children and young people to be resilient and manage an ever-changing economic climate. By providing take-home resources, we encourage households to open up the conversations about living costs and managing through difficult times.