Warm Homes Fife

Greener Kirkcaldy

Protecting fuel poor households from carbon monoxide harm through free gas appliance servicing

Our project at a glance

  • Priority need group: Targeting geographic communities most at risk of fuel poverty
  • Strategic priority area: Supporting priority vulnerability groups
  • Support target: 10 households 
  • Duration: February 2024 to December 2024
  • Investment: £1,050 over 11 months
  • Forecast SROI: £16.11

Why we’re working together

Greener Kirkcaldy is a community-led charity working locally to bring people together, supporting residents through fuel poverty and food insecurity.

Fuel poverty is a real and persistent problem in Fife. There are 26 neighbourhoods in Fife with high levels of income deprivation that all fall within the 10% data zone in the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, meaning they are some of the most deprived areas in the country.

Following our successful Safe and Warm Fife programme with the charity, we’ve launched a new pilot to provide 10 fuel poor households with essential gas appliance servicing.

Project objectives

  • Providing free gas appliance servicing for 10 eligible households
  • Raising awareness of carbon monoxide safety and providing a free CO alarm
  • Supporting households with advice on home energy efficiency and income maximisation  
  • Helping eligible households to sign up for the Priority Services Register

How we’re working together

Gas appliance servicing 

When household budgets are tight, gas appliance servicing often falls down the list of priorities. However, regular appliance servicing is vital to ensure households are using gas safely and efficiently. By providing free appliance servicing to 10 fuel poor households in Fife, we’re reducing the risk of carbon monoxide harm for these households and reducing their risk of cold-related ill health. 

One-to-one energy advice 

Alongside the gas appliance servicing, we’re supporting these households with one-on-one energy advice. The personalised advice will help homeowners use energy more safely, affordably and efficiently. 

How to get involved

Becoming Greener Kirkcaldy partner

You can find out more about getting involved with Greener Kirkcaldy on their website.