Our customer promises

It's our pipes that deliver natural and green gas to 5.9 million homes and businesses in the south of England and across Scotland. Whoever your supplier, we promise to deliver gas safely, reliably and efficiently to all our customers. 

We'll provide a 10/10 service every time by:

  • Treating you and your property with respect and care
  • Being easy to deal with, keeping our promises and delivering what we say we will
  • Providing information, when and how you need it and understanding your needs
  • Providing extra help and advice when needed for our customers in vulnerable circumstances
  • Dealing with any issues fully, and resolving them quickly 

We put safety first and will...

  • Keep you safe by always employing the highest standards of safety
  • Help keep you safe in your home and provide information on using gas safely
  • Take time to explain the dangers of carbon monoxide and give you information about how to protect yourself
  • Aim to attend uncontrolled gas escapes within one hour and controlled escapes within two hours

Our world. We will...

  • Ensure all our business operations will have net zero climate impact by 2045
  • Reduce natural gas emissions by maintaining and upgrading our cast iron pipes by 2032
  • Procure 100% certified renewable electricity by 2022
  • Develop biodiversity projects to create more healthy green land on our sites and benefit local communities by 2026
  • Replace our fleet with electric, hybrid or hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles as soon as possible
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A helping hand 

We’re dedicated to keeping our customers safe and warm in their homes and understand sometimes our customers need a bit of extra support, especially those in vulnerable circumstances. The Priority Services Register (PSR) helps us identify customers who need priority support in a gas emergency or during our planned maintenance. For more details including eligibility and how to register visit our Priority Services Register information page

We will help by:

  • Wearing visible identification cards, which we will be happy to show you, and use the PSR password scheme when visiting properties (this includes our contractors)
  • Providing information in a format that works for you, such as video interaction or translation services by telephone, providing documents in other languages, large print, Easy Read, and Braille on request
  • Providing you with safety information and advice around carbon monoxide to help you stay safe in your home.
  • Providing PSR customers with alternative heating and cooking appliances when we need to interrupt your gas supply. If your gas supply is off longer, we will also provide access to hot food and hot water* after 48 hours (*during large outages, PSR customers with specific health conditions who rely on water for washing will be provided with access to hot water)
  • Providing a Care and Repair service, helping eligible PSR customers with the costs of the repair/replacement of gas fuelled appliances and gas pipework where we are required to isolate your gas supply, following a gas emergency visit from our engineers and contractors
  • Providing a Careline Service for customers who need extra help or referring you to our free additional services through our trusted partners supporting you to use energy safely, efficiently and affordably
  • Help in assessing whether you are eligible for our Help to Heat scheme for a free or discounted new gas connection
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Contacting us

Our customer service team are on hand to help with questions you may have and are committed to keeping you informed. Where possible, our customer service team will resolve your queries as quickly and comprehensively as possible at the first point of contact. 

To make it easy for you, our customer service team can be contacted by phone, text, chat, email, or social media. Contact us.

When you contact our customer service team, we will…

  • Take the time to listen and understand your queries
  • Always attempt to fully resolve your enquiry
  • Put you in touch with the right person with the local knowledge required if we're unable to resolve your enquiry straight away
  • Provide you information on our guaranteed standards of performance, where required
  • Talk to you about our referral services and the Priority Service Register, and how we can support you further when needed

When you speak with our engineers and teams working on site, we will…

  • Explain how we will minimise any short-term disruption while working to maintain a safe gas supply for your property and the local area
  • Ensure you’re given the right information about our work and kept up to date
  • Make sure you’re happy with all aspects of our service

We always aim to provide the best possible service and if there's a problem, we'll do all we can to put things right for you.

When you inform us of a problem with the service you have received, we will…

  • Deal with the matter in a courteous, prompt, and straightforward manner
  • Handle your complaint in line with our complaints handling procedure 
  • Provide an initial response in 5 working days, or 10 working days if we need to visit you