Biomethane production at a farm.
Green gas is a clean fuel with a big role to play in helping us achieve our net zero future vision.
The most common green gas is biomethane, which can be used in all traditional gas applications – cooking, heating, industry, power and transport. We injected the first green gas into the UK gas distribution network at Didcot, in Oxfordshire, and we are a leading partner in the UK’s first commercial biomethane plant at Rainbarrow Farm in Dorset.
We’ve helped businesses from distilleries in the Scottish Highlands to small farms join the green gas revolution, saving hundreds of thousands of tonnes of CO2 each year.
Read on to find out more about connecting your green gas facility to our network.
Becoming a green gas producer
Becoming a green gas producer requires a number of steps that need to be undertaken to ensure a safe and secure connection process.
Initial Enquiry
Our first steps together will form an indicative view on the potential for our network to accept the volume of gas you can produce. We will require indicative geographic site location information and a high-level indication of the potential injection rate in standard cubic metres per hour. This enquiry service is provided free of charge and will return results within 15 working days.
Capacity Study
Building on the information from your Initial Enquiry response, we’ll develop detailed analysis on a specific site to understand any potential constraints on our network. This report is a comprehensive analysis of the network’s ability to accept gas for injection at your requested connection point and is chargeable.
Feasibility Study
A feasibility study may be required dependent on the complexity and pressure tier you wish to connect to. For example, all transmission connections will require a detailed feasibility study covering the physical connection onto the existing network and, depending on the approach you select, the transmission pipeline construction and design.
Following that, you'll either:
- make a formal agreement with SGN to construct the pipeline and associated assets needed to provide your plant with access to the SGN network;
- enter into arrangements with a third party to construct the pipeline and associated assets needed to provide your plant with access to the SGN network, and engage with us through the relevant procedures governing potential adoption of those assets by SGN at the pressure tier your plant will export at; or
- enter into arrangements with an independent gas transporter to construct and own the pipeline and associated assets needed to provide your plant with access to the SGN network and request that independent gas transporter to work with us to facilitate the final connection of those assets.
Where SGN provides these new pipeline and associated assets, or we adopt them, you will also need to enter into a Network Connection Agreement with SGN covering the connection of the network entry facility onto the SGN network, and a Network Entry Agreement with SGN covering the enduring arrangements for injecting gas into our network. If an independent gas transporter provides those assets and owns them on an enduring basis, you will likely need to enter into similar arrangements with that entity.
Here you'll find the necessary documents to progress your green gas connection journey. Download using the links below.
Network Entry Agreement (Scotland)
Connection Offer Letter (Scotland)
Network Entry Agreement (England)
Connection Offer Letter (England)
As described above, where your preference is that the new gas transportation assets are constructed by a third party with a view to adoption by SGN the relevant procedures to consider are:
- in the case of pipeline and associated assets below 7 bar, the GIRS scheme operated under LRQA together with the SGN processes that facilitate our coordinated interface with its approved operators;
- in the case of pipeline and associated assets above 7 bar, SGN specification SLO-1 “Specification For Audit Framework For Above 7 Barg (Natural Gas) Self-Lay Projects” which sets out the circumstances under which SGN will adopt such assets, a draft version of which is included in the Zip file below; and
- in the case of the network entry facility for your plant (whether above or below 7 bar), SGN specification BIO2 “Specification for Biomethane Network Entry Facility, Remotely Operable Valve and Controls” which sets out the circumstances under which SGN will adopt such assets, a draft version of which is included in the Zip file below
The SLO-1 is published initially in draft form to encourage feedback, but can already be used in discussions on any relevant projects.
Questions or feedback on the draft SLO-1 should be provided to SGNSLO1Enquiries@sgn.co.uk and are kindly requested by 19 February 2025.
Getting started
If you or your business is interested in producing gas for injection into our network, contact us today to arrange a discussion covering the connection process. We will work with you throughout the entire connections process to manage the required interactions with our network and deliver a successful gas-to-grid project.